For updates on what is happening in the village please join us on Facebook
Contact details
Derek Boustred – 841395 07851720601
Kate Scott-Clarke – 841638 07970116031
James Maunder – 841838 07703062702
Janine Whitely
Vacancies for Parish Councillors
Are you interested in joining the Parish Council?
We need volunteers to donate as much or as little time as they can afford, attend bi-monthly meetings and help us to make decisions on behalf of the community regarding planning, footpaths, maintenance, flood plans and much more.
If you are interested or want to find out more information please contact the Parish Clerk, Tracy Watkins on 07811938614 or email
Welcome to Stoke Canon Parish Council’s website. Here you will find information about our village, what the Parish Council does for the village, the meeting agendas and dates and financial information as well as contact details and information about the Councillors.
Stoke Canon is located approximately 4.5miles North-East of Exeter within the East Devon District Council area. The village is mentioned in the Domesday Book , at that time it had a population of 14 households, it has grown somewhat since then with a population of 660 at the last count (2011 census).
Stoke Canon is a friendly and active village with many community events taking place throughout the year.
The village has many amenities including a Primary School, Post Office and Shop , community-run pub and hair and beauty salon. One of the centre-points of community life is the St. Mary Magdalene church incorporating The Bridge Community Centre. There is also a Christian Fellowship Chapel and The Jubilee Hall which hosts both private and community events including a monthly market. There is a small but well-equipped children’s play park and a playing field too.